Get Organized Before 2018

Posted by Daniel Sass on

We're already in November...the 11th month of the year.  We'll get to January before we know it and if we really want to be in a different position to last year, now is the time to start getting organized.  Here are some easy-to-implement tips:

  1. Take things slow
  2. Set easy-to-implement schedules such as: one shelf a day
  3. Organize into three piles:  keep, give away, throw away
  4. Get three boxes and use our Laser sheets to separate into three piles
  5. Go to your local charity shop or hold a garage sale.
Early November is really the perfect time to do this.  The weather is getting cold and the nights are drawing in.  Before long you'll be working on planning Thanksgiving and won't want to start organizing.  But let me tell you something; Thanksgiving planning will be a lot easier in an organized home.

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